This page shows an incomplete list of organizations represented in our shows. Click on any organization’s name to see the shows in which they appear.
- 'Freedom Summer' documentary background
- 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard
- Alcoholics Anonymous (5)
- Alliance for Childhood
- American Association of Pastoral Counselors
- American Cancer Society (2)
- American Cancer Society: What is hospice care?
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Holistic Nurses Association
- American Library Association
- American Psychological Association
- American Public Health Association
- American Public Transportation Association
- Americans Rate Kindness as Top Factor in Care Dignity Health, one of the five largest health systems in the U.S., today announced the findings of a nation-wide survey on the power of humankindness in health care and the perception of kindness in our society
- Arab-Israeli Orchestra
- Association of Recovery Schools
- Attitudinal Healing (2)
- Attorney General Eric Holder Delivers Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association's House of Delegates
- Audobon Society
- Auschwitz (2)
- Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing
- Baltimore County Dept. of Aging
- Bard College
- Baskin-Robbins
- Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship (2)
- Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
- Bolder Giving
- Boston Marathon
- Boston University
- Braille Institute
- Brandeis University
- Brief History of Napalm's Development
- Brown University (3)
- Catholic Archdiocese of Boston
- Center for Mind-Body Medicine
- Center for Non-Violent Communication
- Center for Public Integrity
- Center for Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University
- Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
- Ceres
- Challenge Success
- CHarlestown High School
- Charter for Compassion
- Child Medical & Education Connection
- Choosing Voluntary Simplicity
- Chronic Pain Support Group of Southern Maine
- Chronicle of Philanthropy
- Church of Christian Science
- City of San Francisco
- Civic Ventures
- Civil Rights music at the White House
- Civil Society Institute
- Climate-friendly home
- Columbia University (2)
- Columbine High School (2)
- Community Food Bank of New Jersey
- Community Resilience Collaborative
- Compassionate Friends
- Congressional Budget Office
- Conversation with Daniel Goleman
- Cummins Engine
- CURE International Hospital
- Daily Intelligencer
- Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
- DC Metropolitan Police
- Democracy Matters
- Denver City Library
- Developing Radio Partners
- dignityhealth
- Diploma Plus
- Dorothy Day/Catholic Worker Collection at Marquette University
- Duke University
- Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing (2) The Center offers wellbeing resources for students that support mental health and wellbeing.
- Economic Worries Tax Out Americans as April 15 Nears
- Eldercare Locator from the U.S. Administration on Aging
- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation
- Emory University
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Equality Trust
- Escape Fire
- Family Health Care
- Fasting and Feasting in Three Traditions
- Federalist Society
- Fellowship of Reconciliation (2)
- Find a place to volunteer!
- Find an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
- Focusing on Focus
- Food For Free
- Fordham University
- Four Ways to Give Thanks
- Free Time/Free People
- Freedmen and Southern Society Project
- Friends of the Urban Forest
- FriendshipWorks
- Fukushima Disaster
- Garden Project
- Georgian Court University
- Giannini MIddle School
- Global Security Institute (2)
- Green for All
- Green Mountain Power (2)
- Habitat for Humanity
- Haley House (2)
- Halowell Singers
- Harlem Children's Zone
- Harvard Business School
- Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Harvard Kennedy School
- Harvard Law School (2)
- Harvard Medical School (3)
- Harvard School of Public Health
- Harvard University (4)
- Harvard Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
- Helen Keller National Center
- Hello Grief
- Homeless Education Resource Network
- houses
- Houses of Healing
- Howard University (2)
- Human Kindness Foundation
- Hunger in America
- iCivics
- Innocence International
- Insight Meditation Society
- Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (5)
- International Criminal Court Trying individuals for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (2)
- Internet Addiction
- IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN)
- Jewish Islamic Dialogue Society
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- Kathrada Foundation
- LBJ on voting rights
- LBJ signs Voting Rights Act
- Letter from a Birmingham Jail Curriculum
- Library of Congress
- Librería Martínez
- Lionheart Foundation (3) The Lionheart Foundation, established in 1992, is a 501[c][3] nonprofit organization dedicated to providing emotional literacy education programs to incarcerated adults, highly at-risk youth and teen parents in order to significantly alter their life course. Lionheart provides: exceptional quality rehabilitative resources to be used directly by prisoners,at-risk adolescents and teen parents resources and training for professionals who work with these populations in a prevention, rehabilitation and re-entry capacity; and direct emotional literacy education programs for adults in prison; at-risk youth in juvenile institutions and public and private programs and schools; and at-risk teen parents in shelters, hospitals, social service agencies, schools and other community programs. Lionheart also conducts public education on the need for transforming our nation's prisons and juvenile institutions into places where nurturing emotional (re)habilitation, inspiring positive values, and imparting behavior patterns necessary for healthy functioning in our communities are primary goals.
- Loving Your Enemies Sermon
- Managing Your Stress in Tough Economic Times
- Massachusetts General Hospital (2)
- Massachusetts Insitute of Technology
- Mayo Clinic
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (2)
- Millenium School
- Mind/Body Medical Institute (2)
- Minnesota Public Defenders
- MLK and the Power of Nonviolence
- Mothers Out Front
- Mt. Auburn Hospital (2)
- Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church
- Napalm: An American Biography
- National Center for Children in Poverty
- National Center for Fair and Open Testing
- National Consortium for Deaf Blindness
- National Constitution Center
- National Council of Churches
- National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
- National Institute of Justice
- National Institutes of Health
- National Rifle Association
- Nature Needs Kids
- New Age Journal
- New Dimensions
- New Economy Coalition
- New York Public Library
- New York Times (2)
- Newseum
- Northeastern University
- Northwestern University (2)
- Northwestern University Center for International Human Rights
- NPR (3)
- NRDC Interactive Extreme Weather Map
- Nuclear Famine: Two Billion People at Risk
- Number of homeless students in U.S. has doubled since before the recession
- Obama with venerable voter
- Oral Lee Brown Foundation
- PBS (3)
- Penn State
- Pennsylvania State University
- Performance Standards Consortium
- Pew Center Report
- Physicians for a National Health Plan
- Physicians for a National Health Program
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Pillsbury
- Plum Village
- Poor People’s Campaign
- Prison Phoenix Trust
- Prison-Ashram Project
- Prisoners Literature Project
- Public Transportation's Role In Responding To Climate Change
- Purpose Dignity Action
- Pushing Back at Bullying
- QuakerSpeak
- Quincy Market
- Room to Read
- San Francisco Department of Public Works
- Seattle CARE Department
- Seeds of Peace
- Serenity Prayer (2)
- Shelby County v. Holder
- Sherrill House
- Silver Rights
- Small Planet Institute
- Smart Growth Network
- Society of Jesus
- Sojourners Magazine
- South Carroll High School (2)
- Stanford University
- Stanford University Graduate School of Education
- Storycatchers Theatre
- Study on extent of voter fraud
- Suffolk University Center for Restorative Justice
- Swarthmore College's Nonviolence Database
- The 12 Step Program
- The deMello Spirituality Center
- The Economist: 2010 Petrol Tax by Country
- The Generosity Plan
- The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery
- The Hestia Fund
- The Leela Foundation
- The Mayo Clinic
- The Mindful Athlete
- The Parents We Mean to Be
- The Power of Nonviolence
- The Pros and Cons of Canadian Medicare
- The Regeneration Project
- The Samueli Institute
- The Secret to Better Performance
- The State of Working America
- The Story of Stuff
- The Third Side
- The War On Language
- The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
- There's Only One Way to Stop a Bully
- Thich Nhat Hanh Teaching Tour
- Tikkun
- Tin Feet Music
- Top 10 Bizarre Public Transportation Ideas
- Transition US
- Tufts University
- U.S. House of Representatives (2)
- U.S. National Archives
- U.S. Office of the Attorney General
- UN (7)
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- United States Supreme Court (2)
- Unity School (2)
- University of California (5)
- University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco
- University of London
- University of Massachusetts
- University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindfulness (2)
- University of Minnesota
- University of Nottingham Medical School
- University of Virginia
- Urban Greenspaces Institute
- US State Department
- Vanguard Group
- Vermont Public Radio
- Veterans Vietnam Restoration Project
- Visionaries
- WaCare Fund
- Washington Post
- Washington University
- Wellness Community
- What Kids Can Do
- Why I Keep a Journal
- Why Trees Matter
- Wikipedia
- William J. Ostiguy High School
- Williams College
- Yale Climate & Energy Institute
- Yale Divinity School
- Yale University (3)
- Yes Camp
- YES! Magazine